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Introduction :

At Decimus, we are committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of our clients’ and partners’ sensitive information. This Non-Disclosure Policy (“Policy”) outlines the obligations of our employees, contractors, and partners with regards to maintaining the confidentiality of confidential information received or developed during the course of business with us.

Definitions :

For the purpose of this Policy, “Confidential Information” shall mean any and all non-public information, including but not limited to business and financial information, proprietary information, trade secrets, customer and client information, technical information, or any other confidential information of Decimus Financial Ltd.

Scope :

This Policy applies to all employees, contractors, and partners who receive or have access to Confidential Information in the course of their relationship with Decimus Financial Ltd. The obligations under this Policy shall continue even after termination of the relationship with Decimus Financial Ltd.

Obligations :

Confidentiality : All recipients of Confidential Information shall maintain the confidentiality of such information using the same degree of care as they take to protect their own confidential information, but in no event shall such degree of care be less than a reasonable degree of care.

Use of Confidential Information : Confidential Information may be used only for the purpose for which it was disclosed, and recipients shall not use Confidential Information for any other purpose or disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of Decimus Financial Ltd.

Exclusions : The obligations under this Policy shall not apply to any Confidential Information that : (a) is already known to the recipient at the time of receipt, (b) becomes publicly available through no fault of the recipient, (c) is independently developed by the recipient without use of Confidential Information, (d) is disclosed to the recipient by a third party without restrictions on disclosure, or (e) is required to be disclosed by law or regulation.

Return of Confidential Information : Upon request, all recipients shall promptly return or destroy all Confidential Information in their possession or control, together with all copies, notes, and extracts thereof.

Remedies : Decimus Financial Ltd shall be entitled to all remedies available under law for any breach of this Policy, including but not limited to injunctive relief, damages, and attorney’s fees.

Acknowledgment : All recipients shall acknowledge in writing their agreement to be bound by the terms of this Policy and to comply with all obligations set forth herein.

Conclusion :

Decimus is committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of its clients’ and partners’ sensitive information, and this Policy outlines the obligations of our employees, contractors, and partners with regards to maintaining the confidentiality of Confidential Information. Any breach of this Policy may result in serious consequences, including termination of the relationship and legal action.