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Introduction :

The purpose of this Vendor Policy is to outline the guidelines for Decimus Financial Ltd.'s relationship with its vendors. This policy sets the standards for the selection, management, and termination of vendor relationships and provides guidance for the protection of confidential information.

Scope :

This policy applies to all vendor relationships for Decimus Financial Ltd, including but not limited to software and hardware vendors, consulting firms, and service providers.

Roles and Responsibilities :

Procurement : The Managing Director is responsible for the selection, management, and termination of vendor relationships. The Managing Director must ensure that all vendors meet the requirements outlined in this policy.

Human Resources : The HR Manager is responsible for reviewing vendor contracts and ensuring that they are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Guidelines :

Selection : The Technical Head and HR Manager must thoroughly evaluate potential vendors to ensure that they meet the company's standards for quality, reliability, and security. The evaluation process must consider factors such as the vendor's reputation, references, and relevant certifications.

Contracting : All vendor contracts must be in writing and must be reviewed and approved by the HR Department. Contracts must include provisions for confidentiality, data protection, and the protection of proprietary information.

Management : HR Department must regularly monitor its vendor relationships to ensure that they are meeting the company's expectations and standards. Vendors must provide regular updates on their activities and must adhere to the terms of their contracts.

Termination : Decimus may terminate its relationship with a vendor for any reason, including but not limited to, breach of contract, failure to meet quality standards, or security concerns. The termination process must be handled in accordance with the terms of the contract.

Confidentiality : All vendors must maintain the confidentiality of Decimus's confidential information and must not use it for any unauthorized purposes. Vendors must comply with relevant laws and regulations regarding data protection and privacy.

Security : All vendors must implement appropriate security measures to protect Decimus’s confidential information and must comply with relevant security standards and guidelines.

Updates : This policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in the vendor landscape and Decimus’s business needs.

Conclusion :

This Vendor Policy outlines the guidelines for Decimus's relationship with its vendors and provides guidance for the selection, management, and termination of vendor relationships. By following these guidelines, Decimus can ensure that its vendor relationships are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations and that its confidential information is protected.